Thursday, 8 July 2010

Episode 1 (1609 - 1753)

Inspired by "Chronologically Lost" which if you haven't seen and are a fan of Lost you must, would also like to thank Matt who got the episodes I need, so couldn't have done this with out you! (hmmm, this is getting a little too acceptance speech for my liking). This series will put all of the flashbacks from the TV series "Angel" in chronological order with a few thrown in from "Buffy" for good measure - this will mostly be sticking to Angels story so there's a few flashbacks I'll not be including which I'll explain why as I go. This fist episode runs at about 9 minutes, I would have liked to make it longer but it takes AGES to render. There's a portion of dead audio just before Angel gets sired because I had to take out Whistler's narration (from Buffy 2x21), will try and iron out any kinks as I go - enjoy!


  1. Howdy!

    It's truly awesome that you're doing this.
    I've been planning to make Angel's history into a "film" for quite some time now, but never got around to it - not enough time for it, I guess.
    I hope you're going to see this through all the way - I'm really excited to watch the whole, completed thing.
    At which point in Angel's history are you planning to stop, by the way? When he sees Buffy? Meets Buffy? Neither?

  2. Probably around the time he goes to Sunnydale after he sees Buffy being called.
