Sunday, 12 September 2010

A problem...

Hey I'm not sure if this is just me or it could be a problem, the videos for the episodes aren't showing up when I go on the site. There's just a blank space underneath the text, please please tell me it's just me, thing is I can see all the videos when I go on Chronologically Lost, feedback much appreciated. Though I've edited and am exporting episode 6 as I type so I will try and go upload that anyways, I guess I'll just wait and see at the moment.


  1. Yep - all I get is a blank space as well.
    I've tested it on three browsers - Opera, Explorer and Firefox - and it's the same.

  2. I re-uploaded Episode 1 to Zshare and that's showing up fine for me now, I'll do the same for the others but I think I'll put up Episode 6 first.
